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Healing Trauma

ELI's Healing Trauma Trainings offer innovative and supportive ways to heal within a toxic culture that systemically perpetuates trauma, retraumatization and revictimization. Our holistic approach is focused on healing and thriving.

Opportunities for Healing and Growth

  • Process traumatic experiences in a safe and caring environment with other trauma survivors.

  • Learn what trauma is and how it impacts the body and mind.

  • Examine the ways toxic culture causes, amplifies, and perpetuates trauma.

  • Develop an understanding of common trauma responses: bodily disconnection, inability to trust gut feelings, shame, distorted world view, present moment distraction and disconnection...

Understanding Trauma

Trauma develops when a person is unable to cope with a major life-threatening event ("Big T" Trauma) or a painful life experiences ("Small t" trauma). We all experience trauma in our life. It is helpful to distinguish between two types of trauma.

  • "Big T" Trauma is trauma caused by the inability to cope with a major life-threatening event. This incudes, but is not limited to: sexual violence, physical violence, natural disasters, war, major accidents and surgeries...

  • "Small t" trauma is caused by the inability to cope with a painful life experience. This includes, but is not limited to: death of a pet, bullying, peer group rejection, divorce...

Toxic cultural tendencies (e.g. sexism, racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia neoliberal individualism ... ) can cause trauma and amplify "Big T" Trauma and "Small t" trauma.

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